Rirkrit Tiravanija

2001 (Passage Cosmo)
2001-07-16 - 2001-08-31

CCA Kitakyushu Project Gallery presented a new work by Rirkrit Tiravanija.

“Regularly each evening at the end of the day, after the offices are closed down, we (Nobuo, Akiko, and myself) would head out for dinner. As it is not a very large place, we generally would wound our evenings in what seems to be the centre of Yahata (or rather more central). One evening I realised that the pedestrian mall where many of the sushi and sake bars are congregated, actually has a name scripted in English on the awning of the entry way, “Passage Cosmo”. Many thoughts came to mind concerning the idea (and place) of this passage. The idea of an intersection located with a great distance from all centres (physical and mental). Yet in this little intersecting passageway, through the mall, it would be possible to reach to cosmo.” – Rirkrit Tiravanija

Rirkrit Tiravanija stayed at CCA Kitakyushu as Professor of ResearchProgram during a month of July 2001.

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Rirkrit Tiravanija
2001-07-16 - 2001-08-31

Biography Book/Others Book/Others Gallery Gallery Gallery