Anri Sala

No Formula One No Cry Taxi
2003-01-01 - 31

No Formula One No Cry Taxi explores the relationship between speed and space in the city. Presented in a city-centre taxi, No Formula One No Cry Taxi offers a multi-layered collage of images, sounds and emotions.

The familiar, rhythmic cry of the Formula One car is interrupted by the unsettling sound of stray dogs barking. The “speed” at which we perceive and experience the city becomes a central feature of the work; the imagined adrenaline rush of travelling in the race car is frustrated by the sober reality of journeying in a taxi. The world suggested by the Formula One sounds is momentarily punctuated by images of a distinctly urban yet different economic reality that of the political and geographical space inhabited by stray dogs.

No Formula One No Cry Taxi is an ongoing project already hosted in Frankfurt, Birmingham, Miami and Kitakyushu as part of a wish to create a network of taxis around the world in which the audio work may be heard.

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Anri Sala
2003-01-01 - 31

Biography Book/Others Gallery Gallery