Jean-Luc Moulène

Unplugged in Kitakyushu
2004-11-01 - 19

For his second show at the CCA Project Gallery, Jean-Luc Moulène (born 1955, France) presented an experimental work made in Kitakyushu.

Jean-Luc Moulène’s images make us realize that photographic practices and usages have become a phenomenology of the transformations made by technology, the media and globalisation.

These images linked to storms of reality come as summonses, pieces of information on what is given, the given as it yields to a range of possibles. It is a network of obvious facts made up of elements where social practices are clarified by the imagination, which itself is founded on thoughts of other worlds.

A reality visited by the breath.

“Exhaled mental stones, the colour of a construction.”

“The essential task of art is never a matter of returning to the original, but of actualising and incarnating.”

Jean-Luc Moulène stayed as Professor of Research Program at CCA Kitakyushu during a month of October 2004.

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Jean-Luc Moulène
2004-11-01 - 19

Biography Book/Others Book/Others Gallery Gallery